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malta 01-30-2005 11:57 AM

I have to cook pastas, make salads and pizzas for a resteraunt I work at. No biggie.

Metallistar 01-30-2005 05:16 PM

we sould all get together and have a massive orgy...

::runs out of house nekkid::

teensupernothing 01-30-2005 06:57 PM

since we all seem to be sex-deprived.... sure, count me in.... in two years when it won't be illegal for most of you... YAY STATUATORY RAPE!

Stormy 01-30-2005 08:22 PM

I wouldn't have an orgy you with you all. Sorry.

Plain Old Jane 01-30-2005 09:42 PM

in new jersey, the age of sexual consent for heterosexuals is 16

raublekick 01-30-2005 10:39 PM

my leg is so fucking asleep... damn

maybe if i could get my hand to do that i could perform "the stranger"... mmm

Plain Old Jane 01-30-2005 10:53 PM

oh my fucking god, I cant believe I sent you porn...

johnny 01-31-2005 09:22 AM

this thread sure is wacky

teensupernothing 01-31-2005 10:22 AM

but isn't there that weird 4 year rule? that i couldn't do like a 19 year old or whatever.... i dunno

but yeah, i like this wacky thread

thecreeper 01-31-2005 10:28 AM

copy pasted for convenience's sake, but this happened about...maybe 20 mins ago?

so i'm pissing at our school's public food/union-type area's bathroom and some tall, 6 and a half foot black guy comes in and makes a spritzing/farting type noise at me and proceeds to pretty much spit in my face. he then goes to the urinal one down from me and looks at me and says, "Whut Whut Whut!!" as he starts to pee as well. i waited a moment and then started peeing on the floor right next to him. he pulls off his one headphone and gives me a 'what the fuck' face, and i just respond with "WHUT WHUT WHUT!" right back at him. i then zipped up and got the fuck out of there without looking back. if you are going to be a classless, sterotype asshole, i have no problem pissing on you.

ah, the crazy shit you will do when you are tired and don't think of the consequences.

Stormy 01-31-2005 10:42 AM

I sometimes have these awful nightmares where I go into a bathroom to pee, but the stall door is too short to serve as a visual barrier, and people can see me. I hate them.

johnny 01-31-2005 11:15 AM

i like how stormy is posting a bit more. :D

sharkz 01-31-2005 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
copy pasted for convenience's sake, but this happened about...maybe 20 mins ago?

so i'm pissing at our school's public food/union-type area's bathroom and some tall, 6 and a half foot black guy comes in and makes a spritzing/farting type noise at me and proceeds to pretty much spit in my face. he then goes to the urinal one down from me and looks at me and says, "Whut Whut Whut!!" as he starts to pee as well. i waited a moment and then started peeing on the floor right next to him. he pulls off his one headphone and gives me a 'what the fuck' face, and i just respond with "WHUT WHUT WHUT!" right back at him. i then zipped up and got the fuck out of there without looking back. if you are going to be a classless, sterotype asshole, i have no problem pissing on you.

ah, the crazy shit you will do when you are tired and don't think of the consequences.


Stormy 01-31-2005 05:28 PM

I remember one clearly: while at a sports arena, watching a football game, I had to urinate like a zebra fresh from the watering hole. The bathroom itself was very open, as the doorways were large cement threshholds, and most of the lighting was natural. There was a very creepy, middle aged man who had followed me down to the restrooms: thining, cinnamon-brown hair, a pasty, desperate complexion, and the type of trailer-stricken face one would expect to see sticking out of his red, flanel jacket. As the game was running, head-long, toward that endzone of "suspenseful," the bathroom was mostly deserted, and I found myself sitting on a toilet, with this man's pedophilic, steel eyes watching me from the doorway. There was so much tension in that moment of the dream, <i>conflict</i>, like a voyeuristic raping. I remember feeling vulnerable and violated the day I woke up after that.

thecreeper 02-02-2005 12:26 PM

if any of you guys are a fan of video game covers at all, or especially metroid music, check out this month's Dwelling of Duels.

you get GnR crossovers, Tool crossovers, 22 min epics, experimental noise, relaxing ambience, full-on metal, and even some disco.

check it out

thecreeper 02-03-2005 01:45 AM

if it's not blatantly obvious from my avatar, i think futurama may be one of the best shows to grace television...i really wish it was still on, because i have so little to actually want to watch on tv anymore.

johnny 02-03-2005 07:26 AM

ah, a fellow futurama fan. i think it beats the shit out of the simpsons, family guy, and.. oll the other cartoons that you guys like.

thecreeper 02-03-2005 12:11 PM

current simpsons, oh yeah definitely. family guy just doesnt have the intelligence in the writing, but is good for a laugh once in awhile.

i need to work on getting the complete fututama box sets, i only have season one right now.

raublekick 02-03-2005 12:20 PM

Family Guy is the funniest of the three, but like creeper said, it's pretty dumb humor. plus it's all a rip on the simpsons. will American Dad be a ripoff of King of the Hill?

Older Simpsons is still hilarious, especially classics like the softball episode. I haven't really paid attention to the new episodes in the past few years though.

Futurama is great, but sometimes the humor is too lame.

thecreeper 02-10-2005 04:05 PM

the toppings contain potassium benzoate....that's bad

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