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johnny 10-26-2007 06:21 PM

i almost forgot about that, but now you're not getting off the hook... you asshole! but i totally do the same thing; if i don't reply to an email the first time i read it, i'll never get around to it again..

basket is only at version 1.0.2 i think so i'm sure it's still maturing/growing, but maybe it can accomplish most, or some of, what you want. i doubt it will match up (feature-wise) exactly with onenote, though.

Mr Biglesworth 10-26-2007 10:25 PM

Hey I just found out I'm going to Toronto next weekend (2nd and 3rd). I'm booked into a hotel Friday and Saturday nights (all expenses paid) and I've got workshops during the day on Saturday and Sunday but I'm free Friday and Saturday evening... got any time to do something?

johnny 10-27-2007 07:43 AM

fer sure! saturday might be a band rehearsal, but friday i'm definitely free. and i could maybe blow saturday's rehearsal anyways.. we're not really preparing for a show or anything right now.

raublekick 10-27-2007 08:45 AM

yo johnny, what kind of music are you playing in your band?

johnny 10-27-2007 12:25 PM

i dunno.. rock music i guess. sort of punk- and garagerock-influenced.

johnny 10-27-2007 12:32 PM

hey rauble, have you ever used fish? i switched from bash to zsh a couple months ago, but today i decided to give fish a try and it seems really good. the tab completion is very sharp, and it has syntax highlighting as you type on the command-line.

raublekick 10-27-2007 01:37 PM

wow fish looks pretty cool. i don't really use the terminal much these days (i don't really use my computer for much other than web browsing these days...), so bash is fine for me.

sharkz 11-05-2007 10:39 PM

have yet to upgrade to gutsy, but i guess i better do it and hope my wireless card finally works again (hasn't since hoary)

no complaints with feisty though. running xfce now, like it overall

johnny 01-19-2008 11:02 AM

ahh, the linux thread has been left dormant for too long!

did you upgrade and get everything working right shrakz?

i continue to be a happy arch linux user. my desktop computer is on ice right now, because i messed up my install on it a while back. after that i attempted to setup kde4 with one of the kubuntu hardy heron alpha cds, but it didn't work out so well. i should have just re-installed arch, as somebody in the arch community has a kde4 repository setup.. but i went with kubuntu. it pains me to say it, but i think kubuntu might be one of the worst kde distros! ah well.

i think i'll wait for kde 4.1 or something.. even though they've 'released' kde4, it seems like 4.0 is still the equivalent of a beta. i might as well wait for them to iron out some of the wrinkles, especially since kde has always seemed slightly more bug- and crash-prone to me (stable releases and all).

lately i've been toying with evilwm, which is nifty (and very minimalist!). here's a screenshot (click fr big) -

this screen is from last sunday. i've since tweaked the conky display (made the bars vertically centered with with text, moved a couple lines around..) but otherwise, all is the same.

also, rauble: are you a vi(m) person? if so, have you heard of the vimperator? it's awesome, and the only reason i started using firefox again.

johnny 01-19-2008 02:52 PM

oh, almost forgot to mention this: have you played teewars???? just stumbled upon it a few days ago at ubuntuforums, and it's really fun! you should give it a try, and maybe we can have some deathmatches or something.. as far as i'm aware, it's not in the ubuntu repositories (fortunately for me, it is in the aur :)) but it should be easy enough to build. according to the pkgbuild the dependencies are alsa-lib, libgl, and mesa (there are probably some *-dev packages you'd also need since, in ubuntu, you don't necessarily get all the headers required to compile things when you install libraries).

raublekick 01-20-2008 09:14 AM

woah, Teewars looks pretty rad! I'll check on UF to see if anyone's made a .deb for it, if not I'll try to build it myself.

I've tried to be a vim person, but I never really do much basic text editing, so when I do, I'd rather just edit that one line as quickly as possible rather than fiddling with vim to do it.

KDE4.0 is definitely not a "ready" release. Aaron Seigo has been trying to get this point across because people have definitely been backlashing against KDE for how incomplete 4.0 is. I kind of see both sides. And yes, Kubuntu really IS the worst KDE distro.

johnny 01-20-2008 10:11 AM

hopefully kde4 will give the kubuntu people reason to make kubuntu way better. i'm sure kubuntu hardy heron will be, mostly, more of the same thing.. but maybe the release after that (is there a codename yet, i wonder?) will make big improvements. that would be nice.

oh, and in case you hadn't found anything: turns out there's a deb for teewars @ getdeb.

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