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johnny 05-05-2007 04:51 PM

i still don't see the attraction of compiz/beryl... :p

raublekick 05-05-2007 05:12 PM

yeah i still agree, it's not too useful yet. however, i am too lazy to remove awn from my startup apps, and it requires compiz or beryl...

raublekick 08-29-2007 08:41 PM

god dammit, i have become so accustomed to AWN, i don't think i can go back.

</official johnny call>

johnny 09-01-2007 09:48 AM

ah, the linux thread..

a while back while i was using gnome for a bit i thought i'd try awn, but i couldn't get beryl working 'cause my shitty onboard graphics card wasn't playing nice. but i've pretty much settled in with nice, simple tiling window managers and more text/console-based solutions. i was using wmii for a bit, and then took the plunge and tried out dwm; it's pretty much perfect. i find that this is the best sort of environment for me to work productively in ('course that's just me.. :))

two screens: click and click again

also: how come yer never around ubuntuforums? sometimes it's tough to keep up with threads you've posted in because it's so busy, but still.. it's a pretty decent community to try to keep up with.

raublekick 09-01-2007 12:08 PM

yeah i haven't visited there in eons. pretty much i only went there to check the screenshots thread, hah! no, it's a great place, but i just haven't had time to keep up with it much. after spending 8 hours in front of a computer at work, i try to minimize the amount of time spent in front of one at home.

good to see my johnny call worked.

raublekick 09-09-2007 04:15 PM

fuck awn! i disabled the desktop effects stuff and am back to just straight metacity. ah, my computer is responsive again! i still miss AWN, but i can deal without it if it means that X won't lock up when i mess with pygame stuff.

johnny 09-14-2007 06:06 AM

yea, awn is dumb! you could use wbar as a launcher kinda thing..

raublekick 09-14-2007 06:02 PM

hey, wbar looks pretty sweet. i'm going to build it right now and give it a shot. how do you find out about these things? i mean, i don't browse many linux forums anymore so i guess that's a big out for me.

johnny 09-15-2007 09:15 AM

i think it's mostly from the arch forums; it's much easier to follow than ubuntu forums, 'cause there is less traffic. you can almost always find about something new in the screenshot thread or user contributions forum.

also, doing searches in the aur usually turns up stuff i've never heard of (which may or may not be useful :)).

raublekick 10-09-2007 05:03 PM

so how about judd resigning from Arch, eh? pretty sad news, hopefully it keeps on keepin' on.

johnny 10-09-2007 09:07 PM

yes, that was interesting -- i think things will be okay. it seems like he was too busy to be involved anyways. and the guy who's been appointed as arch's new "leader", from what i can tell, is a good choice.

so are you gonna upgrade to gutsy when it's released?

raublekick 10-09-2007 10:18 PM

of course :)

honestly though, i have had pretty much 0 problems with feisty. it's kinda sad in a good way, because with every new release of ubuntu, i have had less and less of a real need to upgrade.

johnny 10-10-2007 06:56 PM

i guess you've got to if you want up-to-date package repositories. that's one thing that's handy about a rolling release.. :D

i've been getting curious to try out gentoo again when they do their next release (2007.1, which i think will be late november), but i keep trying to tell myself it won't be worth the headaches. i really have no problems in arch, and if i can exercise some will-power and resist the urge to tinker with other stuff i don't think i'd have to do a fresh install ever again. i guess when everything "just works" i get bored, lol.

raublekick 10-20-2007 07:07 PM

gutsy is pretty sweet

still can't get my second monitor working with my laptop, but it's not totally necessary. actually i probably COULD get it if i felt like messing with xorg.conf right now, but i don't. i managed to get it working except the resolution on my laptop wouldn't go to the right resolution.

Mr Biglesworth 10-21-2007 08:52 AM

Alright dawgs, I just took my first plunge into linux. Installed Ubuntu on a partition on my Dell laptop, then upgraded to Gutsy Gibbon. Eventually I'd be happy to get rid of the windows partition at some point but i haven't got my wireless card working yet and I still need to find applications to replace my favourite ones in windows. Also I'm completely clueless and don't know anything about linux, but I'm glad I've made this move.

raublekick 10-21-2007 09:15 AM

What kind of wireless card do you have? If it doesn't work out of the box then the driver either doesn't exist (possibly could use ndiswrapper + the Windows driver) or it's just restricted so that it can't be distributed by Ubuntu.

Try going to System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager and see if it shows up in there.

What applications are you trying to replace?

Mr Biglesworth 10-25-2007 08:47 AM

Alriight, I'm online. I was using restricted drivers manager but it didn't seem to work, then I tried it again last night and it did work.
The only app I really use a lot is Microsoft OneNote which I keep my research organized in, which is pretty valuable to me.
Anyway I'm really liking it so far. I've been playing with compiz and I think its nifty. I like the overall ubuntu system, though I really don't know my way around it yet. There's been some things that run buggy, like the help system and network controls which freeze up. But I'm going to stick with it because I'd like to eventually switch entirely to open source. Someday I'd like to be in a position to advocate for open source software in the 3rd world so I'd better start getting comfortable with it.

raublekick 10-25-2007 04:57 PM

I've never really used OneNote, so I'm not sure what all it does, but if organization's your thing, check out Tomboy. It's a very simplistic wiki-based note taking app. You can make a note called "Groceries", that lists groceries you need, and then make tasklist note with a task "1. Get groceries", and the word "groceries" is automatically linked to your list of groceries.

johnny 10-25-2007 06:44 PM

i just googled a bit about onenote, and i'm not so sure that tomboy matches up. tomboy is just way simpler.. but! you should check out basKet, 'cause i think that's the closest linux alternative you're going to find right now. it's in gutsy's universe repository, so it will be simple to install from synaptic. the only shitty thing is that (i assume) you're using gnome.. and basket is a kde application, which means synaptic will have to install a bunch of dependencies (kde libraries, the qt graphic toolkit, etc.). it should work just fine, but it will look different ('cause it's using qt, rather than gtk)..

Mr Biglesworth 10-25-2007 08:02 PM

Thanks Johnny, I'll install it later and see if I can feel at home with it.
Also sorry for not getting back to your e-mail.. i guess i'm bad like that.

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