Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description. If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! |
Generic Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:mad: | Mad | |
:p | Stick Out Tongue | |
:o | Embarrassment | |
;) | Wink | |
:) | Smile | |
:D | Big Grin | |
:( | Frown | |
:rolleyes: | Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) | |
:cool: | Cool | |
:eek: | EEK! | |
More Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:smiliebot | Smiliebot | |
:geek: | Geek | |
:vomit: | Vomit | |
:massacre: | Massacre | |
:soldierbl | Soldierblush | |
:guns2: | Guns2 | |
:winkin: | Winkin | |
:nod: | Nod | |
:soldiergu | Soldierguns | |
:hammy: | Hammy | |
:paranoid: | Paranoid | |
:soldiersa | Soldiersad | |
:hearts: | Hearts | |
:puppy: | Puppy | |
:eyespin: | Eyespin | |
:soldierto | Soldiertongue | |
:inlove2: | Inlove2 | |
:ranting: | Ranting | |
:fish: | Fish | |
:tearylaug | Tearylaugh | |
:kissin: | Kissin | |
:bustout2: | Bustout2 | |
:cow: | Cow | |
:devilcath | Devilcathing | |
:anal: | Anal | |
:eyerollin | Eyerollin | |
:aniwink2: | Aniwink2 | |
:bonk: | Bonk | |
:frustrate | Frustrated | |
:typing: | Typing | |
:lenochin: | Lenochin | |
:soccerbal | Soccerball | |
:grump: | Grump | |
:whoa: | Whoa | |
:newbie: | Newbie | |
:soldieree | Soldiereek | |
:halo: | Halo | |
:worried: | Worried | |
:ooh: | Ooh | |
:soldierpi | Soldierpissed | |
:headscrat | Headscratch | |
:poke: | Poke | |
:soldiersu | Soldiersurprised | |
:huh: | Huh | |
:fencin: | Fencin | |
:sweatdrop | Sweatdrop | |
:jawdrop: | Jawdrop | |
:shrug: | Shrug | |
:chickenca | Chickencatcher | |
:deaddrunk | Deaddrunk | |
:091: | 091 | |
:evilking: | Evilking | |
:anirazz: | Anirazz | |
:bear: | Bear | |
:bun: | Bun | |
:snide: | Snide | |
:goodevil: | Goodevil | |
:weed: | Weed | |
:monkey: | Monkey | |
:soldierco | Soldiercool | |
:guns4: | Guns4 | |
:winktongu | Winktongue | |
:nosepicke | Nosepicker | |
:soldierla | Soldierlaugh | |
:happy: | Happy | |
:penguin: | Penguin | |
:soldiersm | Soldiersmile1 | |
:helpme: | Helpme | |
:fattie: | Fattie | |
:sorry: | Sorry | |
:innocent: | Innocent | |
:rofl: | Rofl | |
:flower: | Flower | |
:toilet: | Toilet | |
:lafhard: | Lafhard | |
:calm: | Calm | |
:crier: | Crier | |
:drool: | Drool | |
:aniblush: | Aniblush | |
:ninja: | Ninja | |
:applause: | Applause | |
:bouncebal | Bounceball | |
:smilebomb | Smilebomb | |
:fyou: | Fyou | |
:urgh: | Urgh | |
:loveeyes: | Loveeyes | |
:soldierbi | Soldierbiggrin | |
:guns: | Guns | |
:whyme: | Whyme | |
:no: | No | |
:soldierfr | Soldierfrown | |
:hammer: | Hammer | |
:zzz: | Zzz | |
:panda: | Panda | |
:soldiers: | Soldiers | |
:heartbeat | Heartbeat | |
:pukegreen | Pukegreen | |
:soldierth | Soldierthumbup | |
:inlove: | Inlove | |
:rain: | Rain | |
:fightinwo | Fightinwords2 | |
:tastey: | Tastey | |
:kiss: | Kiss | |
:bustout: | Bustout | |
:chompers: | Chompers | |
:devil2: | Devil2 | |
:alien: | Alien | |
:eyepopper | Eyepopper | |
:aniwink: | Aniwink | |
:boggle: | Boggle | |
:laughter: | Laughter | |
:sob: | Sob | |
:gritteeth | Gritteeth | |
:whip: | Whip | |
:mouse: | Mouse | |
:soldiercr | Soldiercry | |
:gurn: | Gurn | |
:worm: | Worm | |
:notsure: | Notsure | |
:soldierma | Soldiermad | |
:headphone | Headphones | |
:pisssed: | Pisssed | |
:soldiersp | Soldierspooked | |
:hothead: | Hothead | |
:femsmile: | Femsmile | |
:stupified | Stupified | |
:jackinbox | Jackinbox | |
:sheep: | Sheep | |
:frogg: | Frogg | |
:twitch: | Twitch | |
:chicken: | Chicken | |
:dead: | Dead | |
:087: | 087 | |
:eureka: | Eureka | |
:anirazz2: | Anirazz2 | |
:???: | Confused (light bg) | |
:axe: | Axe | |
:boxin: | Boxin | |
:smokin: | Smokin | |
:ginger: | Ginger | |
:wavin: | Wavin | |
:mexismoke | Mexismoke | |
:soldierch | Soldiercheers | |
:guns3: | Guns3 | |
:winkthumb | Winkthumb | |
:nono: | Nono | |
:soldiergu | Soldierguns1 | |
:hang: | Hang | |
:peace: | Peace | |
:soldiersh | Soldiershocked | |
:hello: | Hello | |
:fart: | Fart | |
:soldierwi | Soldierwink | |
:inlove3: | Inlove3 | |
:rassberry | Rassberry | |
:flopsy: | Flopsy | |
:thinkinha | Thinkinhard | |
:kitty: | Kitty | |
:butt: | Butt | |
:crazyeyes | Crazyeyes | |
:devilspin | Devilspin | |
:angel: | Angel | |
:apc: | Apc | |
:bottomsup | Bottomsup | |
:fU: | FU | |
:upsidown: | Upsidown | |
:loved: | Loved | |
:soldieran | Soldierangry | |
:guitar: | Guitar | |
:whoohoo: | Whoohoo | |
:ninjab: | Ninjab | |
:soldiereh | Soldiereh | |
:ham: | Ham | |
:worry: | Worry | |
:pai: | Pai | |
:soldierpu | Soldierpuke | |
:heart: | Heart | |
:pray: | Pray | |
:soldierth | Soldierthumbdown | |
:huh2: | Huh2 | |
:purplex: | Purplex | |
:fightinwo | Fightinwords | |
:tank: | Tank | |
:jump: | Jump | |
:sing: | Sing | |
:chimp: | Chimp | |
:devil1: | Devil1 | |
:2smile: | 2smile | |
:excited: | Excited | |
:anitongue | Anitongue | |
:bigeyes: | Bigeyes | |
:bunny: | Bunny | |
:laugh: | Laugh | |
:sniffles: | Sniffles | |
:grinhappy | Grinhappy | |
:what: | What | |
:mope: | Mope | |
:soldiercr | Soldiercrazyeyes | |
:guns5: | Guns5 | |
:wipeeyes: | Wipeeyes | |
:nosey: | Nosey | |
:soldierlo | Soldierlol | |
:hare: | Hare | |
:petrified | Petrified | |
:soldiersm | Soldiersmoke | |
:hi: | Hi | |
:fellover: | Fellover | |
:star: | Star | |
:irked: | Irked | |
:rofl2: | Rofl2 | |
:flyinange | Flyinangel | |
:trippy: | Trippy | |
:candleblo | Candleblow | |
:cryriver: | Cryriver | |
:086: | 086 | |
:drunksong | Drunksong | |
:anikiss: | Anikiss | |
:archer: | Archer | |
:bouncy: | Bouncy | |
:?: | Confused (dark bg) | |
Games | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:glob: | Glob | |
:s-bluecap | S Bluecap | |
:diddy: | Diddy | |
:snescont: | SNES Controller | |
:sniper: | Sniper | |
:s-redeeme | S Redeemer | |
:babymario | Baby Mario | |
:gb: | Game Boy | |
:wario: | Wario | |
:plasma: | Plasma | |
:s-ctf: | S Ctf | |
:goomba: | Goomba | |
:waluigi: | Waluigi | |
:flak: | Flak | |
:xloc: | Xloc | |
:s-telefra | S Telefrag | |
:boo: | Boo | |
:pmush: | Poison Mushroom | |
:rocket: | Rocket | |
:s-minigun | S Minigun | |
:dk: | Donkey Kong | |
:toad: | Toad | |
:impact: | Impact | |
:s-chainsa | S Chainsaw | |
:drmario: | Dr Mario | |
:mush: | Mushroom | |
:enforcer: | Enforcer | |
:s-shock: | S Shock | |
:grinmario | Grinnin' Mario | |
:n64: | N64 Logo | |
:luigi: | Luigi | |
:ripper: | Ripper | |
:s-instagi | S Instagib | |
:1up: | 1up Mushroom | |
:yoshi: | Yoshi | |
Yoda | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:yodaeek: | Yodaeek | |
:yodarolle | Yodarolleyes | |
:yodacool: | Yodacool | |
:yodamad: | Yodamad | |
:yodawink: | Yodawink | |
:yodaarrow | Yodaarrow | |
:yodaexcla | Yodaexclaim | |
:yodasmile | Yodasmile | |
:yodacry: | Yodacry | |
:yodaquest | Yodaquestion | |
:yodaconfu | Yodaconfused | |
:yodaidea: | Yodaidea | |
:yodatongu | Yodatongue | |
:yodabiggr | Yodabiggrin | |
:yodaevil: | Yodaevil | |
:yodasad: | Yodasad | |
:yodacrazy | Yodacrazy | |
:yodaneutr | Yodaneutral | |
:yodablush | Yodablush | |
:yodagrin: | Yodagrin | |
:yodasurpr | Yodasurprised | |
Orc | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:orc13: | Orc13 | |
:orcinterr | Orcinterro | |
:orc8: | Orc8 | |
:orcsanta: | Orcsanta | |
:orcass: | Orcass | |
:orccrazy: | Orccrazy | |
:orctong: | Orctong | |
:orcfuck: | Orcfuck | |
:orc10: | Orc10 | |
:orchmmm: | Orchmmm | |
:orc5: | Orc5 | |
:orcpaf: | Orcpaf | |
:orccensur | Orccensured | |
:orcevil: | Orcevil | |
:orcgift: | Orcgift | |
:orc2: | Orc2 | |
:orclaught | Orclaught1 | |
:orcsort: | Orcsort | |
:orcbisoux | Orcbisoux | |
:orccry: | Orccry | |
:orcyay: | Orcyay | |
:orc12: | Orc12 | |
:orcidiot2 | Orcidiot2 | |
:orc7: | Orc7 | |
:orcpoursu | Orcpoursuite | |
:orccool: | Orccool | |
:orcstupid | Orcstupid | |
:orcfouet: | Orcfouet | |
:orc1: | Orc1 | |
:orchmm: | Orchmm | |
:orc4: | Orc4 | |
:orcnon: | Orcnon | |
:orcboulet | Orcboulet | |
:orcdodo: | Orcdodo | |
:orc14: | Orc14 | |
:orckoa: | Orckoa | |
:orc9: | Orc9 | |
:orcshhh: | Orcshhh | |
:orcawww: | Orcawww | |
:orccrazy2 | Orccrazy2 | |
:orctrinqu | Orctrinque | |
:orcgene: | Orcgene | |
:orc11: | Orc11 | |
:orchug: | Orchug | |
:orc6: | Orc6 | |
:orcpascom | Orcpascompris | |
:orcchoked | Orcchoked | |
:orcspash: | Orcspash | |
:orcevil2: | Orcevil2 | |
:orcgne: | Orcgne | |
:orc3: | Orc3 | |
:orclaught | Orclaught2 | |
:orcblacke | Orcblackeye | |
:orcdeb: | Orcdeb | |
:orc^^: | Orc^^ | |
Xmas | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:candycane | Candycane | |
:xmasevil: | Xmasevil | |
:xmassmile | Xmassmile | |
:xmascool: | Xmascool | |
:xmasneutr | Xmasneutral | |
:xmas3: | Xmas3 | |
:xmaslol: | Xmaslol | |
:xmastongu | Xmastongue | |
:xmaseek: | Xmaseek | |
:xmassad: | Xmassad | |
:xmasconfu | Xmasconfused | |
:xmasmrgre | Xmasmrgreen | |
:xmaswink: | Xmaswink | |
:xmas2: | Xmas2 | |
:xmasfrown | Xmasfrown | |
:xmassurpr | Xmassurprised | |
:xmascry: | Xmascry | |
:xmasredfa | Xmasredface | |
:xmasrolle | Xmasrolleyes | |
:xmasbiggr | Xmasbiggrin | |
:xmasmad: | Xmasmad | |
:xmastwist | Xmastwisted |