View Full Version : Top 5 Things of 2004

01-19-2005, 12:24 PM
A Good-Evil feature on this will be coming up in the next week or two, but I figured I should see what you guys thought was the most memorable 5 things of 2004.

They can be anything, a movie, album, song, place, person, event, game, but it has to be 5 things. honorable mentions are more than welcome too.

My top 5 is coming as soon as I compile it.

01-19-2005, 12:52 PM
this is a rough draft, i'll probably change it.

1. The Ultimate Show/The Shizz - one of the best weekends of my life, i finally got to go to Phoenix and see some of the coolest bands (Minibosses, I Hate You When You're Pregnant, Mr. Pacman, Totally Radd!!, Osama Bin Sars)
2. MAGfest - i got to meet tons of people that i've been talking to online for ages, and i got rocked two nights in a row
3. Chromelodeon - two new albums, fucking radd
4. The Fucking Am - i love this album
5. Napoleon Dynamite - it's movie magic

i wanted to try to only put things that everyone could experience in here, but i honestly couldn't think of anything else so i put the Ultimate Show and MAGfest.

01-19-2005, 02:38 PM
1. getting my car (99 mazda protege)
2. new years eve, and everything I've done with my friends
3. raves (WEMF and hullabloo)
4. turning 19
5. napolean dynamite

highlites of 2005: paying off my car, saving up for a months worth of rent, find a place to live with some friends, quit both my jobs and take a month off TO FUCKING CHILL and PARTY, then find a job someplace new (any place will be better then the jobs I have now, for no reason I can or would explain)



01-19-2005, 03:01 PM
1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (http://www.good-evil.net/reviews/movies/eternalsunshine.htm) - A movie I wouldn't think would be my number one of the year, but since the moment I saw it last year and every resulting watch since, it has struck a personal chord with me and my own relationship. The excellent acting, dry humor, all-star cast, and incredible directing make this a number one for me.

2. MAGFest 3 (http://magfest.org) - I really wish some testtubers would have came, but as it was, it was one of the greatest, most surreal weekends I've ever experienced.

3. Chromelodeon - While my list echoes Andrew here, this was really the best band I heard all year. I went from not knowing them in October to having 3 of their albums, all of which are absolute rock masterpieces. On top of that, they are really awesome guys to talk to. Check them out if you are interested. http://www.chromelodeon.com

4. Website management/design - At the beginning of the year, I agreed to help Temp Sound Solutions and make a page for the band. Over the course of the year, that site (http://www.good-evil.net/TSS) has become one of Good-Evil's biggest source of hits and was a launching point to doing another ambitious project, The Jenova Project (http://jenovaproject.good-evil.net). In addition to getting to know a lot of cool, grateful people and providing webspace, I also created web references for other forums and maintained Good-Evil, updating it weekly (usually) with new reviews, news, and features. It's a lot of work doing these sites, but the end result is more than satisfying for me.

5. Katamari Damacy (http://www.good-evil.net/reviews/games/katamaridamacy.htm) - 20 dollars brand new for one of my favorite games of recent times? Sold. It's combination of wacky Japanese culture, lighthearted and fun music, innovative control scheme, and pick up and play gameplay made this the best game of the year for me.

best moment of 2005 so far:
beating metroid prime (finally). What a great game, I feel bad I never beat it earlier. Easily one of the most atmospheric games I have ever played.

01-21-2005, 09:11 AM
5) getting over some serious shit that had been fucking with my life from '03
4) fencing amazingly, and upping my national rank.
3) meeting some really awsome people, and *finally* making some really good friends
2) getting single, and staying that way, and having a good time doing it.
1) finally learning how to have some serious fun.

01-21-2005, 09:20 AM
1) four more years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

01-21-2005, 11:50 AM
1) four more years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


Good-Evil's Top 5 Things of 2004: Part 1 (http://www.good-evil.net/features/bestof2004.htm)

Mr Biglesworth
01-21-2005, 02:39 PM
in no particular order...

#) University of Western Ontario
#)New Caledonia
#)The healing of one particular neurosis which shall go unmentioned

pictures to follow (except the last one)

Plain Old Jane
01-21-2005, 04:17 PM
5. got ma'amed by a little girl in a quik check
4. found out what I wanna do with my life career-wise
3. got dumped dec 04
2. got a GF sept 04
1. 1 full year on delicious hormones

01-21-2005, 05:41 PM
5. Trip to orlando with nick.
4. Goon Friends
3. Team season with will and Henry
2. Realizing what I want to do in life
1. State championship finals

01-22-2005, 02:59 AM
1. Ha
2. Lf
3. Li
4. Fe
5. 2

01-22-2005, 03:01 AM

1. Sox winning the series

It's all that really matters. There's been other shit, nothing important.

01-24-2005, 08:29 PM
Fuck this. I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice for both jobs tomarrow.