View Full Version : what the fuck

03-23-2006, 11:37 PM
what the fuck are u all doin now these days?

im drunk and bored, thought i'd go see whats going on around here

ill come back this time too, cuz my pw is easy to remember now

the registration shit was hard to complete, it kept telling me my birthday was fake.. well no shit, i was putting a fake bday lol.. pretty tricky guys, shoulda figured u'd be ahead of me before i even tried something

i go to IU (indiana university) right now, its pretty cool around here.. but most the kids i meet remind me of me when i was 15.. i think its cuz they just now started drinking and gettin fucked up

im transferring back to my original school in indianapolis, IUPUI (indiana university purdue university indianapolis) to finish my degree.. cuz while i say its pretty cool around here.. its basically not that much better than indy and its a hell of a lot more expensive to live in this college town than indy

im 22 now and i've done like everything i wanted to do as a goal in life already.. so now im just tryin to calm down and chill out.. i dont get as fucked up as i used to and i dont go off doing wildly illegal activities very much anymore (disappointing i know)

i've just focused on gettin my shit straight lately, trying to go to class regularly and i've been workin out religiously for about 3 years, 2 years thoroughly

i've had 2 "long term" kinda relationships since the last time i was around, both ended on account of me being a jackass basically.. i took them better than my first serious break up (u might remember that, might not)

i dont have a job right now, need one, but dont have one.. im kinda living like a bum.. my favorite night is tuesdays (5cent beer at a local bar) lol

i looked up biglesworth's profile and it says he lives in london.. am i crazy or weren't u a canadian when i knew u bigs?

so.. whos still around, anyone remember me? good to see u guys, i'll try to remember to frequent these forums now

03-24-2006, 12:05 AM

what's up man. time for your yearly visit?

i didn't know you were out in indiana, i know a few people from that area.

good to see old faces now and then.

03-24-2006, 02:34 AM
<- Rebel10

But I am not around anymore.

Mr Biglesworth
03-24-2006, 07:46 AM
Hey bro!
Man what's your degree? Tell me its criminology.
Glad you're doing well man... remember... those who live by the bat die by the bat. Sorry you haven't found yer lady, but hey, that's what youth is for eh? Neither have I, I broke up with Mrs Bigglesworth in September, and have been a fairly boring bachelor since then. Speaking of eh, I'm still Canadian, I just moved a little South... there's a London Ontario, pretty close to Detroit. You wanna date!?

03-24-2006, 08:11 AM
IU is a half hour from Fishers, he's MINE!!

btw.. you know we have an actual topic for drunkenness, right?