View Full Version : Lokitorrent goes down

Plain Old Jane
02-17-2005, 06:58 PM
I havent used it in recent memory but, i do check the headlines once in a while, http://www.lokitorrent.com/

the mpaa put up a nice little notice.
Anyone have a link to another torrent site, suprnova/lokitorrent/bi-torrent seems to be down

What are your thoughts on this anti piracy thing?

02-17-2005, 11:41 PM
bi-torrent seemed to be up for me, but i havent tried it in ages.

try exeem, it worked pretty good when i had it. it's bit torrent files but searchable with a kazaa like interface.

exeem lite is the way to go if you can get it, but my version stopped working and i uninstalled it. its worth a look at least.

02-24-2005, 07:33 PM
the loki torrent thing was a scam, the mpaa never shut it down


Plain Old Jane
02-24-2005, 10:33 PM
wow, loki pulled off quite a hoax, didnt he?


Plain Old Jane
02-24-2005, 10:44 PM
well, I've been reading up on it... and there are three possibilities...

1. The MPAA did do all this, forced loki to host that page on his own machine, and let loki keep the ownership of site (whois'd)
They also kept the porn tracker up...
Loki gave them the logs and stuff as per court order.

But the only lawsuit against them is in Texas, which isnt even where the servers are located. but no court orders are on file there, nor are any transcript other than loki's testimony.

2. Loki's a lying sack of shit, settled with MPAA using the money donated and gave them his user logs, of the people who trusted him to fight the MPAA.

3. Loki's a sack of shit and ran off with the cash, the MPAA didnt actually get that far into their proceedings anyway. no court information is on file, so maybe it was just a big scam.

that son of a bitch...

02-24-2005, 11:15 PM
it sounds like this guy was a total asshole to me...

that is seriously one the worst things you can do, right up there with kicking adorable puppies.

Plain Old Jane
02-25-2005, 02:04 PM
kicking adorable puppies.

Thats bad now?

03-03-2005, 02:05 AM
I've always considered anything that can be punted is capable of being euthanized. A baby, adorable puppy, liberals, etc.